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[News]2016 Silport Best Partner Cup in the Romantic
[News]2016 Silport Ladies’ Golf Challenge
[News]2016 Silport Members Spring Invitational
[News]2015 Silport Year-end Membership Invitational
[News]2015 Remy Martin SGCU Charity Golf Tournament
[News]2015 Jiu-guang department Store Golf Invitational
2016 Silport Best Partner Cup in the Romantic 2015/10/21 2015 Remy Martin SGCU Charity Golf
2016 Silport Ladies’ Golf Challenge 2015/10/16 2015 Jiu-guang department Store Golf
2016 Silport Members Spring Invitational 2015/09/11 Centenary Golf Tournament 2015 of the
2015 Silport Year-end Membership 2015/08/02 The Juneyao Airline & Bank of Shanghai Golf
2015 Silport Members Autumn Invitational 2015/08/09 Taiwan Youth golf Group Visit Silport
Shanghai Silport Summer Membership
2015 Silport Best Partner Cup in the
2015 Silport Ladies’ Golf Challenge
2014 Silport Members Year-end Golf Invitational 2015/05/10 HUATIAN International Junior Golf
2014 Silport Autumn Membership Invitational 2014/11/27 Shanghai Jiaotong University Overseas
2014/11/06 The 5th "Taiwan-Kunshan” Golf Tournam
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